Contact us

To request a quote it is necessary to send to FMB a schematic (printed or in PDF), the document confidentiality is guaranteed.

Also the following shall be indicated:

  • Start-up: whether the work will be started from FMB with PADS Logic, or if it will start from a compatible Netlist, or in ASCII format.
  • Stack-up: single sides, double sided, multy-layer, material, copper thickness, etc...
  • Mechanical requirements: indicate if the PCB requires some special mechanical characteristics.
  • Insulation and current: indicate the normative for the PCB, insulation and currents that need to taken into account during design.
  • Reorering of labels: specify if it is necessary.
  • Silk-screen printing: specify if it is necessary.

Send all the necessary files for the quote request to the e-mail: